Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Provides basic source of energy,
organisms depend on this virtually,
in making food this is a need,
known as photosynthesis indeed.

one of the most important biochemical processes,
usually occurs in plant leaves and stems,
a structure in the cells known as chloroplast,
this is where photosynthesis ends and starts.

it is a very complex process,
so biologists divide it into two stages,
this is for our own convenience,
and make our understanding ease.

first is the light-dependent reaction,
light energy becomes chemical energy through conversion,
second is the light-independent reaction,
where molecules help in glucose formation.

-Maree Faie C. Cabacang


"-POEM about CELL-"

Regarded as the primary unit of life,
known to be capable of basic processes of life,
proven to be the tiniest structures,
which all living organisms are composed.

basically, this can't be seen by the naked eye,
but fortunately, there's a microscope we can rely,
even though its very small,still it is important to us all.

shapes of this vary considerably,
maybe to show that they function differently,
some are slipper-shaped; others resemble rods,
some are elongated; while few change shape as they move around.

a model of independence and self-containment,
displays remarkable ability to communicate with other segment,
has a membrane-bound compartment known as organelle,
scientifically introduced to us as cell.
-Maree Faie C. Cabacang

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cell Photosynthesis by Rochel B. Inguito II - Cattleya

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which cellular respiration converts into ATP, the "fuel" used by all living things. The conversion of unusable sunlight energy into usable chemical energy, is associated with the actions of the green pigment chlorophyll. Most of the time, the photosynthetic process uses water and releases the oxygen that we absolutely must have to stay alive. Oh yes, we need the food as well!

Plants are the only photosynthetic organisms to have leaves (and not all plants have leaves). A leaf may be viewed as a solar collector crammed full of photosynthetic cells.

Plants have a pigment this part is very important to absorb light in the process of photosynthesis. A pigment is any substance that absorbs light. The color of the pigment comes from the wavelengths of light reflected (in other words, those not absorbed). Chlorophyll, the green pigment common to all photosynthetic cells, absorbs all wavelengths of visible light except green, which it reflects to be detected by our eyes. Black pigments absorb all of the wavelengths that strike them. White pigments/lighter colors reflect all or almost all of the energy striking them. Pigments have their own characteristic absorption spectra, the absorption pattern of a given pigment.

Chlorophyll is a complex molecule. Several modifications of chlorophyll occur among plants and other photosynthetic organisms. All photosynthetic organisms (plants, certain protistans, prochlorobacteria, and cyanobacteria) have chlorophyll a. Accessory pigments absorb energy that chlorophyll a does not absorb. Accessory pigments include chlorophyll b (also c, d, and e in algae and protistans), xanthophylls, and carotenoids (such as beta-carotene). Chlorophyll a absorbs its energy from the Violet-Blue and Reddish orange-Red wavelengths, and little from the intermediate (Green-Yellow-Orange) wavelengths.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

cell-clariz alferez


The décor: a gloss of vomit - yellow and pastel greenSpattered with white: blobs of toothpasteFixture for mirrorsReflecting vomit - yellow and pastel greenSpattered with down of a young thing and bristles of a lagAnd little nicks from overused razorsBeds bunked to separate the veteran from the newcomerThe parvenu from the apprentice upstartAnd a TV continuously downloads information that is stored(Along with the yellow, the green, the white; that merge to grey) The news, the soaps, the made-for-TV matinée, morph into a continuous scriptAs the room becomes a non-reflective mirrorFor the sophoric existence of its occupantsAnd colours, behind lowered eyelids, are vomit-yellow and pastel green.

photosynthesis-antonette villarin

When I was little and walked through the tunnel
I was hearing the chains of the safety locks smash crash
I was propping against parallel doors
On the shoulder of a range of rebel convergent images
I was longing for my father
To tell me how thy were lassoing thegirl on the wast land
You stranger how are you he was shouting like a hulligan
We'll make a knot in my dress not to forget you
Im combining to belong to wonders
I was tentavively posing
Coming on earth one evening
He took me by the wing whine learning the frst steps on the carpet
Evry year he was comparing me to me on controversial pillar
He was nothing it to see me how much i have grown up
And took another instant photograph
I was wearing the same dress on eah anniversary
At frst too large
A black and white dress printed with mild stawberries
Cut out by the some magic one winter
And it became smaller and smaller
I was smiling in the same way when I was seven-fourtheen
He kept silent when I was twenty
Even when I was pregnant my father loved me.
Well,here I am
I' back in Hell
I've visited my padded cell
The one that used to hide my eyes,
Yes,evrytime I tried to cry
Who made my laughter slowly fade?
Was it the demon nurse's aide?
Throughout the walls,a hidden test
Screaming victims put to rest
They fill them up with mophine drinks
Even gave me some I think
So I'd forget all of my yesterdays
And put behind me all they did today.

Poem of cell

antonette villarin


Well,here I am
Im back in Hell
I've visited my padded cell
The one that used to hide my eyes
Yes,everytime I tried to cry
Who made my laughter slowly fade?
Was it the demmon nurse's aide?
Throughout the walls,a hidden test
Screaming victims put to rest
They fill them up with morphine drinks
Even gave me some,I think
So I'd forget all of my yesterdays
And put behind me all they did today.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mitosis Poem

Once upon a time there was a face; And that was the face of man, Mutations and Evolution scared the base And changed the structure from then. Such is our story of Mitosis A story with such a thesis Such is the tale God wrote To illustrate our Fate... From Prophase to Metaphase... The nucleus disappears, Tiny structures called chromosomes line up and then appear... Centrioles pulled them from side to side Like strings in a webbed line Slowly and delicately organized So they can evenly divided In Anaphase the creation of life begins, And the chromatids separate And the centromeres divide, In telophase the nucleus regains, And then once again the organelles Separate since the time when life began; From cytokinesis to Interphase The chromosomes copies and the process starts again... Strangely from this process Mutations occur Trisomy 21, And Cancers Are added in the brochure. Why has God written this part? Who will know? After God might have Meant nothing to you at all But there's a time when Time shall end And Death dawns upon Our very cells therefore Will end the process Of Mitosis

In science that study
It has two kinds of cell
This is animal and plant cell
And human have cell too.

Both cell have cell wall
It protects the cell inside
And sometime the inside of cell
Was the same and sometime not.

Both cell have nucleolus
And have nucleus too.
The animal cell shape was circle
And the plant cell shape
was rectangle.

This cell is also known that
The basic unit of structure.
This function of living
And this also known basic
Unit of life.


The sun is the ultimate
Source of energy
The green plants and
Transform light energy into
Chemical energy
This process called

It requires
chlorophyll, light, carbon
dioxide, and water to take
It can be illustrated as light
to water to carbon dioxide
to glucose to oxygen.

The production of
carbohydrates from carbon
dioxide and water.
Using sunlight as the source
of energy
And with the aid of

Monday, August 6, 2007


by: Chermaine B. Quinto
Two cells of E. coli were wandering slowly
Down the gastrointestinal tract.
An F+ was he, an F- was she,
And their membranes were bound to attract.
Now the dainty F- was born in a sinus
Where her members did seldom trespass,
But the brawnt F+ was spawned in some pus,
And produced both acid and gas.
A kiss he had stolen, down deep in the colon;
"Don't touch me", she said, "or I'll scream!
I have no protection, and an F+ infection
Would spoil my maidenly dream.
"So the poor lonely fella withdrew his flagella
And worshipped her from afar;
"At least", he said, "wait, till I can mutate
And come back an HFR."
Very big in plant cells
Awesome organelle
Commonly stores water
Usually many vacuoles in animal cells
Only one in plant cell
Found in pLant and animal
Entirely open for storage


Mitosis is on a mission
To create new cells through cell division
Interphase starts things off
To copy DNA until there's enough
After that, there is Prophase
Condense DNA, and the nucleus stars to erase
Following Prophase is of course Metaphase
Making centrioles grab chomosomes to form a line or a new base
Next is Anaphase,
Copied chromosomes separate and organelles are pushed to center place
Telophase is next to show
Where the nuclei starts to grow.
Now we're at cytokinesis so we're almost at the end
Cell divison begins, making more friends
We now come back to Interphase to start a new game.
This process always continues and stays the same.

A Cell and Photosynthesis


II- Cattleya

A Cell

A cell is a tiny mass of protoplasm.

Yet it contain every bit of information

of a living plant.

The time the seeds germinates, the roots and shoots grows,

The flowers bloom, the fruits ripen.

And even to the time the plant wither

and eventually dies.

A cell in your body can measure much less.

Only about five thousandth of a milliliter.

Too small to be seen by the naked eye.

Yet it can accomplish much more than a microchip.

It is the basic unit of life.

Have known three distinct parts.

Nucleus, Cytoplasm and Cell Membrane.

All were necessary for cell to function well.

A Photosynthesis

The sun is the ultimate source of energy.

Through the process called photosynthesis,

Green plants and other producers,

Transform light energy into chemical energy.

The use of carbon dioxide and water during photosynthesis,

Results in the manufacture of glucose,

metabolic water and oxygen gas.

Glucose is the end-product of photosynthesis,

While oxygen is its by-product.

Photosynthesis is not a simple, one-step chemical reaction.

It may be divided into two phases.

Light-dependent phase or photochemical reaction,

And light-independent phase or dark reaction.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Look yonder onto the sky!
A sun so bold has reached its high,
And down his rays to crusty pine,
Brings back a flower’s zealous wine,
Which she craved the night before,
But Krebs was out enough to bore,
While sun is here they shall rejoice
,Do you here photosynthesises voice?
His energy captures father sun’s rays,
He glides his wings exploding fantasia
,He pushes his breasts onto the grey,
So bursting his love with fond mania,
Captured its fatigued hungered sack,
Narcissus are born,
A paradise is regained from the lack,
Gently he lays sanctified and worn,
Photosynthesis worked his magic once more,
Yet he has walked out the door,
Night is near,
desolate and pine,
Its Krebs turn to work his wine,
Goodnight all flowers of the sun,
Human energy has begun.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NOMER M. CONSIGNADO: poem of cells

... poEm of yA cEll ...

Start at the cerebral hemisphere
Remove brain tissue to make thoughts clear
Pierce osmotic proteins like cartilage in ya ear

The ribosomes go into a zone of their own
On the MRI scan, ya emulsifiers are shown
The phospholipid molecules change the rules
Which causes vacuoles to drown in gene pools

The DNA shows an internal display
Of why your features are a certain way
Electrical chemical stimulation leads to abomination
Of hypertonic concentration,
1o% liquid evaporation
Is what ya facin

The melanin fills the tissues outside the endoskeleton
Givin skin its pigment like flavored gelatin
Take strides to replenish triglycerides
For brain cells to reply

The fatty acids are broken into classes
Similar to ribonucleic waxes
The catabolic process breaks up sets of organells
The matrix is the tissues between the cells
Ya endoplasmic reticulum swings like a pendulum
So antibiotics travel where ya sendin them...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

my favorite pose


The greatest joy on earth comes in every little way and every thing that you do to brighten the person you care.