Thursday, August 9, 2007

photosynthesis-antonette villarin

When I was little and walked through the tunnel
I was hearing the chains of the safety locks smash crash
I was propping against parallel doors
On the shoulder of a range of rebel convergent images
I was longing for my father
To tell me how thy were lassoing thegirl on the wast land
You stranger how are you he was shouting like a hulligan
We'll make a knot in my dress not to forget you
Im combining to belong to wonders
I was tentavively posing
Coming on earth one evening
He took me by the wing whine learning the frst steps on the carpet
Evry year he was comparing me to me on controversial pillar
He was nothing it to see me how much i have grown up
And took another instant photograph
I was wearing the same dress on eah anniversary
At frst too large
A black and white dress printed with mild stawberries
Cut out by the some magic one winter
And it became smaller and smaller
I was smiling in the same way when I was seven-fourtheen
He kept silent when I was twenty
Even when I was pregnant my father loved me.
Well,here I am
I' back in Hell
I've visited my padded cell
The one that used to hide my eyes,
Yes,evrytime I tried to cry
Who made my laughter slowly fade?
Was it the demon nurse's aide?
Throughout the walls,a hidden test
Screaming victims put to rest
They fill them up with mophine drinks
Even gave me some I think
So I'd forget all of my yesterdays
And put behind me all they did today.

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